Balance Training Forum

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35+ standing static balance exercises that will improve your balance.

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I put this playlist together to as a supplement to a bunch of my other guides where I recommend people try bodyweight balance training before moving on to more advanced products like balance boards but recently updated it so it can you can also use it as a stand-alone guide to getting started in balance training.

Doing static holds with yoga balancing poses is a great way for beginners to get into balance training because it is free and much safer than using products like balance boards or slacklines.

The first step in balance training is just trying to become aware of that off balanced feeling.

Once you start to get conscious of that feeling and continue to balance train, you will start to become more comfortable with it.

 As you become more comfortable with that feeling, you can start to teach yourself how to correct yourself from being off balanced.

As you progress with your balance training, you will no longer panic when off balance you will start to automatically correct yourself when off balanced.

Doing is static balance holds is the simplest way to get started developing your awareness and comfort with that off balanced feeling as well as teaching yourself how to correct your posture to stay balanced.


Tips or improving your balance with static holds.

Try focusing on just one area that is directly in front of you, avoid looking at your feel because your body will follow your head and will throw you off balance.

Do these poses without wearing shoes or socks because they will dampen the sensations that your feet give you telling you when you are off balanced.

Mess around with the positions of your arms to help you maintain your balance. Try to learn what arm positions you feel the most secure in and how just adjusting your arm position when you feel off balanced can restore your balance.

Try to avoid to completely locking out your knees and hips. It is much easier to react to being off balanced when you have your knees and hips slightly bent.

Your hips play a fundamental role in balance, experiment with dropping your hips back like when squatting when you feel off balanced.


Putting together a balanced training program

Pick 3 to 5 movements to from the videos below and learn how to do them.

Spend 10-20 minutes per day working on those poses. Balance training is a slow process you will see better results if you practice consistently.

Once you can hold a pose for 2 minutes on each leg or both sides, find a slightly more challenging pose to start to work.

Continue to repeat this process to until you have gone through all the videos.

Note that some of the more advanced balancing poses can require a high level of flexibility, you can skip these poses if you have no interest in developing that level of flexibility.

You can also increase how challenging some of these pose are by using balance pads,cushions or boards.


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About the videos below

I am trying to compile an instructional video playlist of every single standing balance yoga pose and exercise. I think i did a prettygood job finding most of the yoga poses but if i left any out please let me know in the comment section at the end of this post, i will continue to update this playlist until i have gotten them all.

 Anyone looking for a youtube niche channel to develop? A detailed instructional video for all of the  pilates exercises is an untapped niche. Since finding Pilates instructional videos that aren't full length routines  was more of a challenge then the yoga poses,

Also I have kind of, sort of, but not really, listed these yoga pose from easiest to hardest to be performed.




Check you my  how to video playlist for every yoga arm balance pose. Click Here


Mountain Pose a.k.a Tadasana

Mountain Pose is a basic standing posture that is a great foundation for many asanas. It creates space in the spine allowing the body to work more efficiently and with more ease. Try Tadasana and let me know what you think!

Standing Crescent Pose a.k.a. Indudalasana

The standing crescent pose, in yoga, is excellent for reliving stress and strengthening your core. Learn how to perform the standing crescent pose from a professional yoga instructor in this free yoga video. Expert: Amy Reed Bio: Amy Reed is an Anusara-inspired yoga teacher based in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts.

Chair Pose a.k.a. Utkatasana A simple but powerful yoga pose that strengthens the legs, back,arms, abs and even the organs.

Garland Pose

Triangle Pose a.k.a. Utthita Trikonasana

Learn the Triangle Pose - or Trikonasana - in the latest video in our Foundations of Yoga series! Here Adriene breaks down the single posture from the foundation - the ground up- working with action and alignment.

Gate Pose a.k.a. Parighasana Yoga Instructor and Creator of Chakra Boosters Healing Tattoos, Vicki Howie, demonstrates Gate Pose (Parighasana). This simple pose will strengthen your legs a provide a nice stretch for the side boy.

Low Lung Pose

In this Pose of the Week, Stephanie Snyder walks us through the Low Lunge or Anjaneyasana. Step your right foot forward, keeping your left knee on the floor and keep your thigh bones hip distance apart. Tuck the back toes under or untuck the back toes.

High Lunge Pose

Learn High Lunge with Adriene as our Foundations of Yoga series continues! This yoga pose is great for the whole body - strengthening and balancing. Learn this pose from the ground up with a strong focus on alignment and action so that when you are in public class you are safe, empowered and happy!

High Lunge Twist

This Yoga Pose guide shows the correct performance of High Lunge Twist yoga pose from our DVD Yoga: Spirit of Vinyasa Flow from Real Bodywork.

Runners Lunge Pose

Learn Runner's Lunge with Adriene! (Not just for runners! For everyone!) This foundational posture is often used in Hatha Yoga sequences and is great for the hips, glutes, groin, quads and hamstrings. A great warm up for almost any exercise. "Cool Runnings!!!" "Cool Runnings" means "Peace be the journey."

Goddess Pose a.k.a. Utkata Konasana

Want to learn about acro yoga? Acro yoga is a quickly growing practice that combines partner acrobatics and yoga. Check out my beginners guide to acro yoga to learn how to get started. Click Here


Intense Side Stretch Pose a.k.a.Parsvottanasana

Short instructional video of hatha yoga forward bend Intense Side Stretch, Parsvottanasana, featuring Hatha Yoga Asanas co-author Ingrid Yang E-RYT.

 Big Toe Pose

Watch more How to Do Yoga videos: Learn the standing big toe pose from certified yoga instructor Chelsey Korus in this Howcast video. So coming into standing big toe pose, to first work the anatomy of the posture, we'll do it on the ground. So we can take the balance element out.

Extended Side Angle Pose

Christina demonstrates the 'extended side angle posture'. Join the Movement, become part of a free yoga fitness social network and watch free yoga videos at

Half Moon Pose

A detailed walk through on how to do the yoga half moon pose

Revolved Half Moon Pose - Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana

Day 2 #mayibeginyoga Revolved Half Moon Here are some simple instructions but as always ask your teacher for hands on assistance if you need. This pose is very challenging if you have tight hamstrings so use a block if you need to. You can also bend the standing leg if you are just starting out.

  Sugarcane Pose a.k.a.  Ardha Chandra Chapasana

We are excited to continue our "Pose of the Week" video series with this week's video, where we cover Sugarcane Pose (Chopasana). Our video breaks down the pose, giving alignment tips, modifications, and additional options & variations. Want to know more?? For a full step-by-step breakdown, visit our blog at for more details.

Tree Pose

A detailed walk through on how to do the yoga tree pose. 

Eagle Pose: Garudasana

A detailed walk through on how to do the yoga eagle pose. 

Lord of the Dance Pose a.k.a  Natarajasana Yogi Juls shares some preparatory postures and different variations for Natarajasana (not-ah-raj-AHS-anna) also called King Dancer or Lord of the Dance posture. The dramatic posture is typically the climatic pose of a series of challenging backbends. Natarajasana performed properly lengthens the shoulder, chest, abdominal, thigh and groin muscles.

Warrior 1 pose The basics of Warrior I explained with a nice variation to open your heart. This Yoga pose strengthens the legs, opens the hips back and heart. Yoga teacher for today is Esther Ekhart.

Warrior 2 pose

Learn the Warrior 2 Yoga Pose, or Virabhadrasana II, as our Foundations of Yoga series continues! Warrior II is a standing posture that encourages you to build balance and stability in the body. It has a load of benefits and is a great tool to focus the mind and connect to your center.

Warrior 3 Pose

A detailed walk through on how to do the yoga Warrior lll pose.

Reverse Warrior Pose

This is a series of Yoga for Beginners. This posture is called the Reverse Warrior Pose. Sophie will take you through the Warrior Two Pose, which is great for length, strength and energy. It will strengthen your upper body and core because when you're in this pose, you really have to concentrate on lengthening your spine and sucking in your stomach.

Hand to Big Toe Pose

Subscribe for our weekly videos: Learn to perfect the Hand to Big Toe Pose with Yoga Expert Siri Peterson in her Healthy Hip Opening series. LESSON HERE: Good posture helps us to look and feel our best. In this "Perfect Posture" sequence, Siri helps you tone, stretch, and strengthen the hip.

 Revolved Hand to Big Toe Pose

Lift the right knee up and keep the foot flexed, heel down. Bring the right hand to the right hip, and take the left 'peace fingers' to right big toe. Straighten out the right leg as much as possible. Turn the chest to face the right side, so the shoulders are open.

Extended Hand to Big Toe Psoe

For the month of November we will focus on the Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose (Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana) in all of our Flow classes at Verge Yoga. With this monthly focus on a pose, you will gain a deeper understanding of the pose, it's benefits, modifications and variations.

 Bird of Paradise - Svarga Dvijasana

Asana of the Month provides you with the tools to deepen and expand your knowledge of postures commonly practiced in CorePower Yoga classes. Tune in to discover a new Asana every month. This month, we're featuring Svarga Dvidasana, or "Bird of Paradise Pose;" an advanced balancing posture that utilizes core, spinal and leg strength.

Preparation for Birds of Paradise Pose

dynamic starfish & STRETCHING using resistance at wall. Do splits in-the-air with legs against the wall, split handstands, splits in the air. An intermediate freestyle flexibility flow based workout.

Standing Split Pose

Want to take yoga to the next level? Try doing yoga on a slackline. Learn more about yoga slackling in my beginners guide. Click Here


Pilates Standing Balance Exercises.

Pilates Posture and Breathing

Maintaining good posture and proper breathing is important when doing pilates. See how to do the pilates exercise in this free pilates exercise video. Expert: Carol Ann Contact: Bio: Carol Ann, known as the trainers' trainer, has 19 years of professional fitness training experience and holds a master's degree in exercise science and health promotion.

Wall Round Over

Standing Deep Abdominal

Chantill Lopez goes over some standing abdominal work that will isolate and challenge the deep abdominals.

Lateral Spine Stretch

The lateral spine stretch is great to do before doing any other pilates exercises. See how to do the lateral spine stretch, a standing pilates exercise in this free pilates exercise video. Expert: Carol Ann Contact: Bio: Carol Ann, known as the trainers' trainer, has 19 years of professional fitness training experience and holds a master's degree in exercise science and health promotion.

Toe Raises

Toe raise pilates are great for working out your calves and inner thighs. See how to do the to raise, a standing pilates exercise in this free pilates exercise video. Expert: Carol Ann Contact: Bio: Carol Ann, known as the trainers' trainer, has 19 years of professional fitness training experience and holds a master's degree in exercise science and health promotion.

Standing Leg Lift

Muffin top leg lifts pilates are great for working out your love handles. See how to do the muffin top leg lift, a standing pilates exercise in this free pilates exercise video. Expert: Carol Ann Contact: Bio: Carol Ann, known as the trainers' trainer, has 19 years of professional fitness training experience and holds a master's degree in exercise science and health promotion.

 Ply Squat and Releve

The ply squat and releve combo is great for working out your inner thighs and hamstrings. See how to do a ply squat and releve combination exercise in this free pilates exercise video. Expert: Carol Ann Contact: Bio: Carol Ann, known as the trainers' trainer, has 19 years of professional fitness training experience and holds a master's degree in exercise science and health promotion.

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