photo credit: <a href="">Aristocrats-hat</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

photo credit: <a href="">Aristocrats-hat</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>


Balance training for skateboarding.


The street skaters guides to balance training. Learn how balance training can help speed up the learning process for street skateboarding tricks such as ollies, flipping tricks, grinds, manuals and slides.

A guide for balance training for longboarding. Learn how balance training and help improve your performance in board walking , dancing , downhill, freeride and slides.

Find out what the top 3 balance board are if you are only interested in getting better at flipping tricks, ollies and shuvits.

Playlist of 17 different tricks that can be preformed with skater trainers or with a balance board that allows you to do flipping tricks.

Balance training for surfing

Longboard surfing balance / cross training guide. Learn to improve your surfing while on land.

Short board cross training and balance training guide. Learn how to get better at surfing while on land